Monday, September 18, 2006


I'm not talking about your garden variety weeds, the ones that strangle and choke your flowers or pop up through the grass and go to seed in about 2 hours. I'm talking about the ones that grow along the freeway or in empty dirt lots.

Sometimes it's scraggly stuff - no leaves, no flowers, no color - just kind of grayish-brown things that don't amount to much. Sometimes it's thick, course green things that are kind of prickly on the outside.

Around here in late summer we get these bright yellow sunflowers – whole fields full of them. They line sections of the freeway. They grow down by the river. These pictures were taken behind a gas station while I stopped for a bathroom break at work.

In the dusty brown of the high desert in Utah, it makes for nice little moments during what are normally routine parts of the day.

* The wacky extra 'E's in the spelling of weeds is in reference to an old Saturday Night Live sketch. Bonus points to anyone who gets it.

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At 1:47 PM, Blogger Bored Housewife said...

Such beautiful visuals...

I loved the behind the scenes video, below. And it looks like my review didn't run yet, which is odd and good--good, because it really wasn't the greatest writing, and odd because I never heard anything about it not running. Well. This is a new week and I have lots of high hopes for not slacking off, so we'll see.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Lynnea said...

You put your weed in there...? Well only one I could remember. Don't ya just love that nature is often in her most gorgeous dress when she's wild?

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Pules said...

Bonus points for Maggie!!

...and yes, I do.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger The Absent Minded Housewife said...

So you've been to Wendover eh? Ha...


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