Back In The Groove...
...or out of a rut. Or whatever. Kinda funny how those two terms express completely opposite ideas yet mean the same thing.
Anyway, I'm back. No good reason for the long absence other than I've been out of the writing mood. Once out of a mood (or groove or in a rut), it's really hard for me to get back into it. I've had to write some things at work lately and my brain has shifted itself back into that mode. So we'll see how well this run goes.
A quick rundown of what I've been up to since blogging on vacation last October:
- Finished my vacation in a nice, relaxing manner
- Had a very lucrative job offer which led to the most difficult professional decision I've had to make in my career
- Decided to stay at my present job
- Got in a very dramatic car accident on the freeway - Luckily there were no injuries
- Lost my expensive sunglasses
- Learned to snowboard
- Enjoyed a nice visit with my brother and his lovely wife and my parents in Vegas over the holidays before he started another tour overseas in Afghanistan
- Found the memory card for my camera from that visit had been chewed by my dog
- Got real sick a couple of times
- Wished we had snow this winter so I could snowboard
- Replaced my sunglasses
- Discovered a secret new trail system a mile from my house
- Learned that the housing market is so ridiculously expensive that I can't afford a house in the city where I've lived for the past decade
- That's about it.
On another note, have you seen this video? The reporter went to college with a co-worker of mine. She obviously isn't a cat person and isn't able to recognize behavioral warnings of animals.
"This little guy's having fun." Hah!
There you ARE!!!! I've been checking the news for reports of missing cameramen--or at least some sort of missing footage issue to manifest--but so far nothing. I'm glad you're not the first person since Pythagoras's time to fall off the face of the earth (that was a lame attempt at saying that when people believed the earth was flat they were more likely to fall off it...)!!
Welcome back.
Let's do lunch some year.
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