The CH-47 Chinook Helicopter
As I mentioned in a previous post about my brother Paul, he flies helicopters for the army. I found this short video montage of the Chinook being used in Afghanistan. These are the types of things my larger little bro does.
Just imagine it without the music, but with more sweat, more stink and stifling heat and lots of sand in everything. And then extend that to 525,600 minutes instead of 1:40 and it'll be more like his experience over there.
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Great. Now I have the 525,600 song in my head!! What, is your wife into showtunes or something?? ;)
RE: the AMW post
That is creep-tastic!! I hope I continue getting fatter so that when I'm finally famous I won't have to deal with real stalkers. It's a good excuse to eat more dessert, at least.
Also, I'm officially considering you my news source, so I'm going to ask you: how did the non-smoking night go at the bars? I've been curious about that, myself. That's why I need to be in journalism...if I want to know something, I'm SUPPOSED to go out and find and answer, complete with polls and surveys and charts and pictures!! Ahem. I'm way to lazy, but anyway, let me know about the smoking thing (if you know). That billboard used to get me all riled up: "80% of Utahans want smoking out of bars!" Really? Cuz I thought 80% of Utahans didn't even GO TO BARS, shithead!!! Not that I like smoke in bars. Personally, I'd rather get drunk in the clean air and not wake up smelling like an ashtray. Ok, enough.
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